Friday, April 9, 2010

B612 - My asteroid

Living on an asteroid called B612. Those baobabs - those lies - are taking over the asteroid. Try uprooting them. What a futile effort! Might as well learn to coexist with them...and when there is no room left on the asteroid, climb on a baobab and make a tree house. What can be more delightful than a tree house?
Don't like B612? Leave it then. Leave it for the King, the Drunkard, the Conceited Man or the Lamplighter. They are not much better though - they live on baobabs too, if not, they live with baobabs inside them. Grandpa was right. Don't swallow seeds. They'll grow inside you. You never know when they grow. But once they start growing, they won't stop and won't budge. As you grow an inch, they grow an inch. Learn to like their growth rate - or else stop growing altogether. You grow with them, they grow with you. Baobabs are good, baobabs are useful - they are the foundation of a more beautiful world. Tree house upon tree house. Higher and higher, taller and taller. Peer out of your tree house window. What a world! It's all yours. You are the king of the world. Who doesn't like baobabs? Who likes an old, empty, plain asteroid? Who likes living at the foot of a tree? Bigger, faster, better...bigger, faster, better...until forever...

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