Monday, April 12, 2010

The Lamplighter and the King

Light the lamp. Extinguish the lamp. Light the lamp. Extinguish the lamp. Who can be more faithful and more dutiful than the Lamplighter? Give him an order - he will be stick to it till the end. Does he know the meaning of the order? No. Why bother to know? Just follow the order. Light the lamp. Extinguish the lamp. Light the lamp. Extinguish the lamp. Follow the order and good will come to you. Disobey it and tragedy will befall. Do not fear - just obey. Do not ponder, my dear, for pondering is for the selfish. Selfish people need meanings and reasons and motivations. Selfless people only need the goal. Give them a goal - they will build the yellow-brick road.
One day, a King arrives to the Lamplighter's asteroid.
'Light the lamp. Extinguish the lamp. Light the lamp. Extinguish the lamp,' he orders. The Lamplighters faithfully and dutifully followed the order. Good came to him.
'On my asteroid, there is a king. He gives me orders everyday. "Light the lamp. Extinguish the lamp. Light the lamp. Extinguish the lamp." I follow the orders and good comes to me.' The Lamplighter proudly exclaimed. This filled other lamplighters with envy.
'We want a king too,' they chimed. Soon, these other lamplighters immigrated to the asteroid. Light the lamp. Extinguish the lamp. Light the lamp. Extinguish the lamp. The King loved his asteroid. With thousands of lighted lamps, his was the most beautiful of all.
'On my asteroid, there are lamplighters. I give them orders everyday. "Light the lamp. Extinguish the lamp. Light the lamp. Extinguish the lamp." They follow the orders and good comes to me - I have the most beautiful asteroid of all.' The King proudly exclaimed. This filled other kings with envy.
'We want lamplighters too,' they chimed. Soon, these kings took over the asteroids of other lamplighters. Light the lamp. Extinguish the lamp. Light the lamp. Extinguish the lamp. They loved their asteroids. But with only hundreds of lighted lamps, theirs were not the most beautiful of all. One day, the kings marched to the asteroid with thousands of lighted lamps. They murdered the King and abducted his lamplighters. Now, their asteroids had millions of lighted lamps. They had the most beautiful asteroids of all.
Light the lamp. Extinguish the lamp. Light the lamp. Extinguish the lamp. Give the order and good will come to you. Do not give the order and you will become nobody. Do not fret - just command. Do not act mindlessly, my dear, for acting mindlessly is for the powerless. Powerless people only need the goal. Powerful people need meanings and reasons and motivations. Give them a yellow-brick road - they will come up with a Oz. If they can not find a Oz, they can always fake as one - all they need is a little magic and Dorothy and her silly entourage.

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